About Us

 We are Tricor

Tricor International LLC and companies affiliated with its principals have been developing residential and commercial properties for almost forty years.  A multi-faceted corporation with headquarters located in Florida, Tricor has owned and developed more than seventeen million square feet of commercial buildings and thousands of residential units.

Under the direction of Marc Hagle as President and Chief Executive Officer, the companies have built numerous single-family and multi-use communities, apartment complexes, shopping centers, warehouses, medical facilities, recreational facilities, drug stores and office projects throughout Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia. Affiliated companies own real estate throughout the United States.

Tricor Corporate Office

Stacey Cachet

Stacey Cachet

Director of Leasing

Stacey CaChat has over 10 years of experience in contract negotiations, financial analysis and business management from a wide range of business concepts.  She is originally from Ohio and graduated from Ohio University.  Her commercial real estate career started in South Florida where she focused on landlord and tenant representation.  Currently, she is serving as the Director of Leasing at Tricor International.  She is responsible for approximately 1.7M square feet of retail space in North Carolina.

Phone:  (407) 629-2040
Email: info@Tricor.net